Savings Calculator

With DND Mobile Care Solutions you will save money.

Existing customers have experienced savings anywhere from two to four times their per visit costs expended on our system, with no initial capital outlays. Sounds too good to be true?

See for yourself. Download the DND Cost Savings Calculator. In less than 5 minutes you can caluclate your potential savings. Detailed instructions are provided within the document.

Download Cost Savings Calculator

(This is a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet)

The cost savings provided in the above calculator are based on objective categories. In addition, many clients truly value the subjective benefits provided by the system that have not been factored into your savings calculation. Subjective benefits include:

Fraud & abuse avoidance

Quicker billing, reduced A/Rs

Enhanced audit trails

Coverage of missed visits

Timely payroll data

Data integrity/disaster recovery plan

Reduction in-office disruptions

Supply utilization tracking

Improved community perception


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